Review from the Economic Botany magazine
CDI are delighted to reveal news of the launch of a fantastic new book, written by Natty 'Mark' Samuels. -->Read the article here!
Encyclopedia of Rootical Folklore: Plant Tales of Africa and the Diaspora will be published in May 2024, by Scorched Earth Press, based in California, USA.
Please see the Birago Day page for more information
Birago Day @Blastfest - Birmingham Science Museum - December 10th
Look at all activities & events:

Three Heroines Assembly |
Rootical Folklore was delivered in the Oxford Botanic Garden, for the 400th anniversary, last year. Later this year, in the Sheffield Botanical Garden, Oxford Arboretum, the Oxford Botanic Garden and the Chelsea Physic Garden, for its 350th anniversary. Next year, Cambridge University Botanic Garden.
As part of the Windrush Celebrations, Natty Mark will be delivering 'The Vanilla Legacy' workshop, at Rhodes House, June 30th, 10-12pm. For the Alumni Reunion
He will also be delivering workshops - One Little Ackee - at Tyndale Community School. Students will then perform at the school fete, on June 24th.
Rootical Folklore was delivered in the Oxford Botanic Garden, for the 400th anniversary, last year. Later this year, in the Sheffield Botanical Garden, Oxford Arboretum, the Oxford Botanic Garden and the Chelsea Physic Garden, for its 350th anniversary. Next year, Cambridge University Botanic Garden.
As part of the Windrush Celebrations, Natty Mark will be delivering 'The Vanilla Legacy' workshop, at Rhodes House, June 30th, 10-12pm. For the Alumni Reunion
He will also be delivering workshops - One Little Ackee - at Tyndale Community School. Students will then perform at the school fete, on June 24th.
Part of the Windrush celebrations, Natty Mark delivered Aloe Vera Chant, a Rootical Folklore workshop, to the Clockhouse, an over fifties project.
Part of the ANTHEM OF AVOCADO exhibition of Rootical Folklore: celebrating African and Caribbean Folklore through the flora. Hosted by Fusion Arts, in the Windows Galleries, Friar's Entry, off Gloucester Green, Oxford. From December 2022 to January 2023.
African Monarch: Celebrating Historical Kings & Queens of Africa
11 August Time: 1:00pm to 2:00pm |
In the year that Britain celebrates the Platinum Jubilee, I invite you to African Monarch: Celebrating the Historical Kings and Queens. We’ll be looking at certain figures and why they are honoured, such as King Moshoshoe (pronounced Mo-shwesh-shweh) of Lesotho and Queen Idia of Benin. You and I will explore pre-colonial royalty, in countries such as Ghana, Angola and South Africa. Were they honoured for pioneering educational opportunities? Military strategies? Diplomacy? Governmental reforms? Come with me, as we traverse sub-Saharan Africa, visiting a few of the courts, of the medieval and early modern period.
This event is recommended for ages 10+. Please note that all children must be accompanied by an adult and everyone must have a ticket. |
Celebrating African and
Caribbean Folklore
Caribbean Folklore
Rootical Folklore
Beginning in September, Natty Mark will be delivering a course –
Beginning in September, Natty Mark will be delivering a course –
As part of the Oxford IF Science Festival, on October 8th, Natty will be delivering a workshop, THE SHEA CHANT.
Shea tree,
I beg you come shower me,
With the blessings that you give:
Presentations of butter and oil.
from The Shea Chant
July 17th - Simmer Down Festival, Birmingham.
Through the BLAST project based in Birmingham, Natty Mark will be delivering drop-in, interactive workshops, celebrating the spices and other plants, of African and Caribbean Folklore. 11 - 5 pm
Through the BLAST project based in Birmingham, Natty Mark will be delivering drop-in, interactive workshops, celebrating the spices and other plants, of African and Caribbean Folklore. 11 - 5 pm
July 28th/29th - Botanic Gardens, Oxford,
As part of the 400th Year anniversary of the Gardens, through the CDI Youth project, Natty Mark will deliver two days (one African, the other Caribbean) of drop-in, interactive
workshops - YAN DAWA and PAPA BWA - celebrating the flora through folklore. 11- 4 pm
As part of the 400th Year anniversary of the Gardens, through the CDI Youth project, Natty Mark will deliver two days (one African, the other Caribbean) of drop-in, interactive
workshops - YAN DAWA and PAPA BWA - celebrating the flora through folklore. 11- 4 pm
October/November - Working Men's College, London
Delivery of TAMARIND for SILIMAKA, a four week course, celebrating the flora in the folklore of Africa,
Details of workshop to follow.
Delivery of TAMARIND for SILIMAKA, a four week course, celebrating the flora in the folklore of Africa,
Details of workshop to follow.
Natty Mark will be delivering a workshop - Grandmothers and Griots - at a conference at the University of West Indies, hosted by the Society of Economic Botany, where he will be celebrating African and Caribbean Folklore, through the flora.
Papa Sorrel
ETERNAL: Homage to Bob Andy
BIRAGO DAY: African and Caribbean Folklore Day
December 11th 2022
#BlackHistoryMonth: Natty Mark Samuels talks to Oxford City Council about setting up the African School. Watch here
Book your tickets HERE! |
Workshop: Celebrating the Ashanti
Email: [email protected] to register ALL children
Natty Mark Samuels, founder of the African School in Oxford, is working with the Rumble Museum to run workshops with groups of students of African heritage, looking at African Countries, Artefacts and some of the many languages spoken in the continent.
Read more in the links below: Rumble Museum Oxford Mail |
Natty Mark is delivering the first
course in African Studies at
The Oxford Academy.
Links to Articles:
Join us in celebration of Wangari Maathai’s
birthday and her leadership of the Green Belt Movement – 1st April 2021 @ 6pm About this Event: The event will be introduced by Natty
Ploughkeepsie's Sadie Delaney: Healing From World War Through Reading
A Conversation with the Founder of the African School in England
Sunday, February 21, 2:00 pm. Via Zoom. RSVP/register at:
Natty Mark Samuels
Let The Story Be Told
to Roy Midwinter: for his musicianship and his humanity.
Time is passing,
So let the story be told.
It is long overdue,
So let the story unfold:
Of the African influence on European art.
Let us start with Vlaminck,
And that bar in Argenteuil.
Where a round of drinks,
Began his African zeal:
Art of the Yoruba and the Baule.
Onward to Derain,
Who was given a Fang mask.
Enjoyed his first drink,
From the African flask:
The Fang of Gabón and Cameroon.
Matisse bought a statue,
From a curio shop.
Took it to a saloñ,
Observed the jaws that dropped:
A Vili statuette from the Congo.
Picasso saw the Vili figure,
Evening of enchantment.
He yearned to see more,
So to the Trocodero he went:
Sculpture of West and Central África.
(c) Natty Mark Samuels, 2020. African School.
Vlaminck – Maurice de Vlaminck, 20th century French artist.
Yoruba – people of south-west Nigeria.
Baule – people of central lvory Coast.
Derain – André Derain, 20th century French artist.
Matisse – Henri Matisse, 20th century French artist.
Vili – people of Democratic Repúblic of the Congo.
Picasso – Pablo Picasso, 20th century Spanish artist.
Trocodero – Parisian ethnographic museum
Submit your response
Ask an adult or carer to submit your respons
ZLecture at Fusion Arts:
Oxfordshire Kindness Wave - Natty Mark Samuels:
Here are the first two published pieces of art by two budding artists, Year Seven students at The Oxford Academy. The first, by DESTINY WILSON, is of two Kuduo brass bowls of the Ashanti of Ghana; the other, by MILLIE SMITH, is of a Portuguese man, sculpted in ivory by an artist from Benin city. Nigeria, in the 16th century.
Due to the Coronavirus, the Oxford Citrus Festival has been deferred
Natty Mark will be delivering a workshop on citrus at this conference
Celebrating Una
Download file Below
Download file Below

celebrating_una.htm |
The Shrine of Womanhood With Natty Mark Samuels
Honouring the Herbalist Interactive Workshop: